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LSTC Model

Models for Automotive Applications

        Finite element models for almost all standard parts in auto motive testing are available as already prepared input files. Depending upon the requirements different levels of details and different degrees of validation are available. The parts are often third party products and come usually with software support from your local distributor. LSTC makes a conscious effort to provide free basic models for frequently used dummies and barriers. These models are available to all LS-DYNA licensees. Please find a list of the current types of models available below.

Hybrid III dummies

SID-IIs dummy

P and Q child dummies

USSID dummy

Eurosid dummy

ES-2 dummy

ES-2re dummy 

WorldSID dummies

Different head forms

Pedestrian impactors 

NHTSA barriers

NCAP barriers

IIHS barrier

ECE barriers

Euro-NCAP barrier

Simple vehicle models

Roadside models
