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        LS-PrePost specializes in importing, editing, and exporting LS-DYNA models, based on keyword input files. Version 3.0 features a redesigned graphical user interface that maximizes the graphics area by intuitively grouping program functions into icon-based toolbars.

        LS-PrePost supports the latest OpenGL standards to provide fast rendering for fringe plots and animation results. The software is under constant development to keep pace with enhancements to LS-DYNA and, since no license file is required, LS-PrePost can be easily installed on any machine running Windows or Linux.

General Features

Comprehensive support for LS-DYNA input and output fi les

Image output formats: PNG, TIFF, JPG, BMP, PCX, PS, PSIMAGE, GIF, VRML2

Movie output formats: MPEG, AVI, animated GIF

Command line interface

Pre-Processing Features

▀ Other FE input formats

▀ CAD input formats: IGES, STEP

▀ CAD geometry data creation and manipulation, including cleaning, healing and simplification

▀ Mesh generation

▀ Mesh manipulation, creation, and modification

▀ LS-DYNA entity (keyword) creation: coordinate systems, sets, parts, masses, CNRBs, boxes, spot welds, SPC"s, rigidwalls, rivets, initial velocity, accelerometers, cross sections

Special Applications

Airbag folding

Dummy positioning

Seatbelt fitting

Metal forming

Roller hemming

Model checking

Post-Processing Features

3D animation

Time history plots

XY plots

Contour plots

Overlay plots

Vector plots

Fringe plots

Particle visualization

Fluid visualization

▀ DYNAIN fi le generation

▀ Section analysis
