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2019 4th LS-DYNA Users" Conference

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The 4th China LS-DYNA Users’ Conference is scheduled to be held on October 21st -23rd, 2019 in Shanghai by LSTC and Shanghai Fangkun. LSTC will show and share the latest product function and development strategy during the conference. The organizing committee will invite the domestic and foreign experts, developers and engineers from LSTC, and the customers to share their experience and successful cases with LS-DYNA, and to discuss the LS-DYNA latest features and developments, and the industrial development trends.

The conference aims to promote the interaction and communication among the developers and the end users. Hereby we call for papers with topics covered but not limited to the fields of automotive industry, aerospace and aeronautics, electronics industry, daily consumer goods, biomechanics, locomotive, shipbuilding, civil engineering, and general machinery, etc.

The conference organizers wholeheartedly welcome your paper submission and attendance.

Date:                  October 21st- 23rd, 2019

Location:           Pullman Shanghai South Hotel 

                           No.1 Pubei Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, 200235

Training:           There will have pre and post-conference training classes being held

                           on Oct. 21st, 24th and 25th. Early bird registration is open! Register

                           before July 31st, 2019 to benefit for free ticket.(Only for 200 attendees)

Participant Fee: CNY 1,000 per person for regular participants and CNY 500 for academic.


Contact us:


21st Oct.


Registration, Reception party

22nd Oct.


(Main Session)

Welcome speech

      -Dr. John O. Hallquist, Ph.D. Member of National Academy of Engineering, founder and president of LSTC

LSTC and LSTC products overview

      -Dilip Bhalsod, LSTC Business manager

Data-driven Mechanistic Multiscale Modeling Platform for analysis, design and manufacture of advanced material systems

      -Wing Kam Liu, PhD·Professor of Northwestern University

The Application of LS-Dyna in Aerospace: Beyond Impact Simulation

      -Dr. Shoufeng Hu·Chief Scientist of Chinese Aeronautical Establishment, Shanghai Branch

Design and CAE of Products under Vibration Loads

      -Dr. Ping XIN·PhD in Metallurgy, Tokyo University,President of Japan Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers

More speakers are coming soon.


(Technology and Application Session)

LS-DYNA Automotive Crashworthiness 1

LS-DYNA Simulation Technology and MPP 1

LS-DYNA Multiple Solve Method and Application 1

LS-DYNA Sheet Metal Forming and Implicit Analysis

LS-DYNA Innovation Simulation Competition Winning Report


Gala Dinner (LS-DYNA Best Paper Award ceremony

LS-DYNA Innovation Simulation Competition Award Ceremony)

23rd Oct.


(Technology and Application Session)

LS-DYNA Automotive Crashworthiness 2

LS-DYNA Simulation Technology and MPP 2

LS-DYNA Multiple Solve Method and Application 2

LS-DYNA Optimum Design and Pre&Post Processing Technology


(Main Session)

LS-DYNA blasting analysis and application

      -Changping Yi, Ph.D. Blasting analysis expert from Swebrec

LS-DYNA New Function and Application, Latest Research and Development Trends

      -LS-DYNA developers from LSTC: Dr. Isheng Yeh, Dr. Jason Wang, Dr. Yun Huang, Dr. Bo Ren, Dr. Jin Wu ; Senior engineer from DLFK: Wenhui Yu

Sign up

The conference aims to promote the interaction and communication between developers and end users. The conference organizers wholeheartedly welcome your paper submission and attendance. Agents and partners are welcomed to attend and set up exhibition booths.

If you need the invitation letter or any questions about this conference, please contact us.

Contacts:Elva Yu      Email:       Tel: 18221209107

*You can find latest information on conference website:

Call for Paper

The interaction and communication between developers and end users are important during the conference. To promote inter technical communication between users, the conference organizers wholeheartedly welcome your paper submission and attendance. Awarded authors would be invited to present on Technology and Application Session during the conference.

(1) Application Areas

 Automotive crashworthiness

 Occupant safety and CPM airbags

 Metal forming

 Optimization

 Composites and other materials

 Robustness

 Spotwelding, bonding

 Implicit

 Pedestrian safety

 Impact, drop test

 Ballistics and penetration

 Fluid Structure Interaction and ALE

 Computational Fluid Dynamics

 CAE process integration

 Vibration, noise and fatigue

 Heat transfer

 Electro Magnetics

 DEM and SPH

 Cloud computing

 Simulation data management

Industry Fields:

 Vehicle Industry

 Aerospace

 Manufacturing Processes

 Biomechanics

 Civil Engineering

 Nuclear Engineering

 Seismic Engineering

 Ship Building/Offshore

 Transportation

 Daily consumer goods

 Locomotive

 General machinery

 Electronics

(2) Paper Submission:

Please send your one to two pages abstract or full paper to

• Submission can be in Chinese or English.

• Submission of both Chinese and English versions is greatly appreciated but not mandatory. Please write down your postal address, postcode, email address.

• Any problems about submission please contact: Elva Yu, Tel: 18221209107, Email:

(3) Abstract submission deadline:20th August, 2019

(4) Notice of acceptance deadline:1st September, 2019

(5) Full paper submission deadline:20th September, 2019

The best Paper in English will be published in “FEA Information Engineering Journal”(ISSN #2167-1273) English edition. The best Paper in Chinese will be published in FEA Information Chinese edition.

(6) The organizing committee set up prizes for best papers. Award winners will be announced at gala dinner on 22nd October.

* The First Prize winner would be recommended to attend 2020 International LS-DYNA Users’ Conference for free. (Including round-trip ticket and hotel fee)

Course No.

Course Topic


Course Fee


LS-DYNA blasting analysis and application

Oct. 21st

CNY 2,000

Theory and Applications of LS-DYNA SPH Method

Oct. 21st
CNY 2,000

Introduction to LS-PrePost

Oct. 21st
CNY 2,000

LS-DYNA in stamping simulation and application

Oct. 21st
CNY 2,000

Industrial Applications of LS-DYNA Advanced FEM/Meshfree/Particle Methods

Oct. 24th to 25th

CNY 4,000

Contact Modeling in LS-DYNA

Oct. 24th to 25th
CNY 4,000

NVH, Fatigue and frequency domain analysis with LS-DYNA

Oct. 24th to 25th
CNY 4,000

Crash and Safety

Oct. 24th to 25th
CNY 4,000

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